Ainvayi Software ئاپەکان

Guess The Medical Word 1.5
Ainvayi Software
This is a fun words based app in which theplayer tries to guess a medical word with only partial informationand earns REAL POINTS (mPoints) in the process ! The letters of theword appear as tiles - some closed and some open. The player canopen some closed tiles but not all the tiles. The player has toguess the word based on the information available and enter it intoan input area below ... But be nimble ... you only have 1 minute toguess, though you can configure it ! The app also tells moredetails about the medical term as clues to guessing. Meanwhile, youearn points that can be redeemed at many retailers like Amazon etc.Now, some heavy duty legal stuff (sorry, our lawyers make uswrite this !) - This App is just intended for casual entertainment.If you do decide to use it, it is at your own risk. The developermakes no warranties about the functionality in this game. ThePoints functionality is being provided from another vendor and thedeveloper makes no warranties on whether the points can becollected or redeemed for any actual rewards. ANY liabilities,whether direct or implied are expressly rejected and by downloadingthe application, you release the developer and any associatedentities from ALL liabilities. If you do not agree, please do notdownload the game.Phew ! with that out of the way, enjoy the game and please keepthe feedback comin' !
Dirty Talk 2.0
Ainvayi Software
This is a hilariously funny app, wherein theapp will speak out clues that sound "dirty" and you have to guesswhat is being described. The clues and questions might soundsuggestive, but the answers are squeaky clean (well ... most of thetime anyways !). Btw, did you know the ONE thing that men dostanding up, women do sitting down and dogs do on three legs ... no.. it's not what you think ... It's Shake Hands ! (oh wait ...that's not the only thing, is it ? ;-) ) Like they say .. it's allin the mind ;-)This app is integrated with multiple points systems - includingmPoints / mPlus Rewards and V-Points that can be used to to earnREAL gift certificates from retailers ! Please see the FAQs in therespective point systems for more details.Also, please note this is an ADULT game. If you are under 21,please don't download the game.Now, some heavy duty legal stuff (sorry, our lawyers make uswrite this !) - This App is just intended for casual entertainment.If you do decide to use it, it is at your own risk. The developermakes no warranties about the functionality in this game and thisapp is provided "as-is". The Points functionality is being providedfrom another vendor and the developer makes no warranties onwhether the points can be collected or redeemed for any actualrewards. ANY liabilities, whether direct or implied are expresslyrejected and by downloading the application, you release thedeveloper and any associated entities from ALL liabilities. If youdo not agree, please do not download the game.Phew ! with that out of the way, enjoy the app and please keepthe feedback comin' !
The Gossip Tablet 1.0
Ainvayi Software
Can't get enough of celebrity gossip and news? What is the latest faux pas in town ? Who is dating whom ? Moreimportantly, behind whose back ? What are the celebrities wearing ?Get on top of all the celebrity news and views !Welcome to the World of Gossip ! This app collects variouscelebrity news and gossip tidbits from across the wild world wideweb and presents it to you for your enjoyment. This app is "live" -meaning it scours the internet in real time for news when you usethe app (so, please make sure you are connected to the internet!).What's more ... not only do you read various articles and getinteresting conversations points for your next social gathering,you also collect rewards (mPoints) for using the app that can beused to redeem gift certificates for retailers like Amazon,Walmart, Best Buy etc etc.Now, some heavy duty legal stuff (sorry, our lawyers make uswrite this !) - This App is just intended for casual entertainment.If you do decide to use it, it is at your own risk. The developermakes no warranties about the functionality in this game. ThePoints functionality is being provided from another vendor and thedeveloper makes no warranties on whether the points can becollected or redeemed for any actual rewards. ANY liabilities,whether direct or implied are expressly rejected and by downloadingthe application, you release the developer and any associatedentities from ALL liabilities. If you do not agree, please do notdownload the game.Phew ! with that out of the way, enjoy the app and please keepthe feedback comin' !
Deal Ninja 2.7
Ainvayi Software
Hey Shoppers & Fellow Bargain Hunters !Rejoice !! If you are tired of scouring the web for discounts anddeals, here is the scoop. We have already done it for you ! We havea Ninja that dives deep into the depths of the web and comes backwith gems of deals.Welcome to the World of Shopping Deals ! This app searches theinternet for shopping deals and presents it to you for yourenjoyment. This app is "live" - meaning it scours the internet inreal time for news when you use the app (so, please make sure youare connected to the internet !).What's more ... not only do you get to save money ... you alsocollect rewards (mPoints) for using the app that can be used toredeem gift certificates for retailers like Amazon, Walmart, BestBuy etc etc.Now, some heavy duty legal stuff (sorry, our lawyers make uswrite this !) - This App is just intended for casual entertainment.If you do decide to use it, it is at your own risk. The developermakes no warranties about the functionality in this game and theapp is provided "as is". The Points functionality is being providedfrom another vendor and the developer makes no warranties onwhether the points can be collected or redeemed for any actualrewards. ANY liabilities, whether direct or implied are expresslyrejected and by downloading the application, you release thedeveloper and any associated entities from ALL liabilities. If youdo not agree, please do not download the game.Phew ! with that out of the way, enjoy the app and please keepthe feedback comin' !
Find The Top Movie 4.0
Ainvayi Software
This is a fun and exciting app. in which thetop Hollywood movies are arranged randomly and are "hidden" in agrid going in many directions, and your objective is find thosemovies. When you guess a movie successfully, the app tells you whenthe movie was released and how much it made at the US Box office.It also keeps track of your score in terms how many words you wereable to discover.Not only do you have fun while playing this game, but you alsoearn REAL points (mPoints) for REAL rewards. These rewards can beredeemed at retailers like Amazon, Best Buy etc.Hope you have fun with this app !
Speaking Word Meanings ! 1.1
Ainvayi Software
This is an exciting and fast paced app thatliterally SPEAKS to you and LISTENS to you ! It is designed to testyour vocab and to teach you new words ! The Quizmaster tells you aphrase and asks you to select the word whose meaning is closest tothe phrase presented. You get points for a correct answer ... Butbe nimble ... The clock is ticking ! Btw, You can also compete withyour friends and dazzle them with your language brilliance ! ;-)Also, you get REAL points (mPoints) that can be redeemed atretailers like Amazon, Walmart etc.Now, some heavy duty legal stuff (sorry, our lawyers make uswrite this !) - This App is just intended for casual entertainment.If you do decide to use it, it is at your own risk. The developermakes no warranties about the functionality in this game. ThePoints functionality is being provided from another vendor and thedeveloper makes no warranties on whether the points can becollected or redeemed for any actual rewards. ANY liabilities,whether direct or implied are expressly rejected and by downloadingthe application, you release the developer and any associatedentities from ALL liabilities. If you do not agree, please do notdownload the game.Phew ! with that out of the way, enjoy the app and please keepthe feedback comin' !
Football Plus: Earn n Learn 3.7
Ainvayi Software
This is a premium version of Football: Earn nLearn with an opportunity to earn even more rewards ! You can earnnot only mPoints but Perk points as well !Do you feel lost in the myriad of football terms ? What does a Puntreally mean ? What is a drop kick ? What is a Lateral Pass ? Inthis app, we have tried to demystify the world of American Footballby giving clear concise definitions of each term in ordinarylanguage. This app is meant for the general folks, though expertfootball fans might pick up a new term or two.Not only do you learn about the wonderful world of football, butyou also earn rewards ! You can earn REAL points (mPoints) that canbe redeemed for REAL rewards on retailers like Amazon, Best Buyetc.Now, for some heavy duty legal disclaimers (Sorry, lawyers make uswrite this) This App is only intended as a casual entertainmentapp. If you do decide to use it, it is at your own risk. Thedeveloper makes no warranties about the functionality in this gameor any accuracy in the information provided. Please review ourprivacy policy here - . Anyliabilities, whether direct or implied are expressly rejected andby downloading the application, you release the developer and anyassociated entities from ALL liabilities. If you do not agree,please do not download the game.Whew, that was some heavy duty lingo right there ! We have youenjoy the Learning n Earning
Golf Plus : Earn n Learn 4.2
Ainvayi Software
This is a premium version of Golf: Earn nLearn with an opportunity to earn even more rewards ! You can earnnot only mPoints but Perk points as well !Do you feel lost in the myriad of Golf terms ? What does a Birdiereally mean ? What is a Duck Hook ? What is a Dangle ? What is aFlip shot ? How about a Flop shot ? In this app, we have tried todemystify the world of Golf by giving clear concise definitions ofeach term in ordinary language. This app is meant for the generalfolks, though expert golfers might pick up a new term or two..Not only do you learn about the wonderful world of Golf, but youalso earn rewards ! You can earn REAL points (mPoints) that can beredeemed for REAL rewards on retailers like Amazon, Best Buyetc.Now, for some heavy duty legal disclaimers (Sorry, lawyers make uswrite this) This App is only intended as a casual entertainmentapp. If you do decide to use it, it is at your own risk. Thedeveloper makes no warranties about the functionality in this gameor any accuracy in the information provided. Please review ourprivacy policy here - Anyliabilities, whether direct or implied are expressly rejected andby downloading the application, you release the developer and anyassociated entities from ALL liabilities. If you do not agree,please do not download the game.Whew, that was some heavy duty lingo right there ! We have youenjoy the Learning n Earning
Baseball Plus : Earn n Learn 4.0
Ainvayi Software
This is a premium version of Baseball: Earn nLearn with an opportunity to earn even more rewards ! You can earnnot only mPoints but Perk points as well !Do you feel lost in the myriad of baseball terms ? What does aCurveball really mean ? What is a swinging bunt ? What is a Gapper? In this app, we have tried to demystify the world of baseball bygiving clear concise definitions of each term in ordinary language.This app is meant for the general folks, though expert baseballfans might pick up a new term or two. .Not only do you learn about the wonderful world of baseball, butyou also earn rewards ! You can earn REAL points (mPoints) that canbe redeemed for REAL rewards on retailers like Amazon, Best Buyetc.Now, for some heavy duty legal disclaimers (Sorry, lawyers makeus write this) This App is only intended as a casual entertainmentapp. If you do decide to use it, it is at your own risk. Thedeveloper makes no warranties about the functionality in this gameor any accuracy in the information provided. Any liabilities,whether direct or implied are expressly rejected and by downloadingthe application, you release the developer and any associatedentities from ALL liabilities. If you do not agree, please do notdownload the game.Whew, that was some heavy duty lingo right there ! We have youenjoy the Learning n Earning
TV Quiz 1.0
Ainvayi Software
This is a super fun, highly addictiveentertaining TV Show game that literally speaks to you and listensfor your answers.So, you think you know all about the shows on TV ? So what ifyou have spent endless hours munching popcorn and drinking dietsoda breaking your couch. Are you really the expert on TV shows ?Test your TV chops with this fun and fast paced app. Test yourmettle with the TV Quiz in the QuizMaster series. In this fun andexciting game, the Quizmaster gives clues for a TV show and youanswer the question to get points. You can ask for more clues butyou lose points on each clue disclosed. You can also compete withyour friends and dazzle them with your brilliance ! ;-)Btw, did we mention - No more Typing ... This app literallyspeaks the questions to you and listens for your answers !Also, you get REAL points (mPoints) that can be redeemed atretailers like Amazon, Walmart etc.Now, some heavy duty legal stuff (sorry, our lawyers make uswrite this !) - This App is just intended for casual entertainment.If you do decide to use it, it is at your own risk. The developermakes no warranties about the functionality in this game. ThePoints functionality is being provided from another vendor and thedeveloper makes no warranties on whether the points can becollected or redeemed for any actual rewards. ANY liabilities,whether direct or implied are expressly rejected and by downloadingthe application, you release the developer and any associatedentities from ALL liabilities. If you do not agree, please do notdownload the game.Phew ! with that out of the way, enjoy the app and please keepthe feedback comin' !
Band Scramble 1.0
Ainvayi Software
This is a super fun, highly addictive wordgame. The objective of this game is to solve a puzzle in which thewords of a musical have been rearranged. You have to rearrange theletters in the right order and discover the band/artist. There arehints available to help you solve the puzzle. If you have guess theband/artist correctly, you win ! You get REAL points (mPoints) thatcan be used for REAL rewards at retailers like Amazon, Walmart,Best Buy etc.Now, some heavy duty legal stuff (sorry, our lawyers make uswrite this !) - This App is just intended for casual entertainment.If you do decide to use it, it is at your own risk. The developermakes no warranties about the functionality in this game. ThePoints functionality is being provided from another vendor and thedeveloper makes no warranties on whether the points can becollected or redeemed for any actual rewards. ANY liabilities,whether direct or implied are expressly rejected and by downloadingthe application, you release the developer and any associatedentities from ALL liabilities. If you do not agree, please do notdownload the game.Phew ! with that out of the way, enjoy the game and please keepthe feedback comin' !
The Odd News App 5.0
Ainvayi Software
Tired of the depressing supposedly importantnews ? The same thing over and over again ? Tragedies repeatedendlessly day in and day out ? Guess what ? The world is a lot moreinteresting than what is presented in the regular news broadcasts.There is tons of stuff happening that doesn't get coverage ...stuff that is sometimes hilarious, sometimes outrageous andsometimes just confounding !Welcome to the World of Odd News ! This app collects various oddand interesting news tidbits from across the wild world wide weband presents it to you for your enjoyment. This app is "live" -meaning it scours the internet in real time for news when you usethe app (so, please make sure you are connected to the internet!).What's more ... not only do you read various articles and getinteresting conversations points for your next social gathering,you also collect rewards (mPoints) for using the app that can beused to redeeem gift certificates for retailers like Amazon,Walmart, Best Buy etc etc.Now, some heavy duty legal stuff (sorry, our lawyers make uswrite this !) - This App is just intended for casual entertainment.If you do decide to use it, it is at your own risk. The developermakes no warranties about the functionality in this game. ThePoints functionality is being provided from another vendor and thedeveloper makes no warranties on whether the points can becollected or redeemed for any actual rewards. ANY liabilities,whether direct or implied are expressly rejected and by downloadingthe application, you release the developer and any associatedentities from ALL liabilities. If you do not agree, please do notdownload the game.Phew ! with that out of the way, enjoy the app and please keepthe feedback comin' !
Cricket: Earn n Learn 3.5
Ainvayi Software
Do you feel lost in the myriad of cricketingterms ? What does an mid-on really mean ? What is a googly ? or thedoosra ? or the teesra ? What is the mid-wicket ? or a king's pair? In this app, we have tried to demystify the world of Cricket bygiving clear concise definitions of each term in ordinary language.This app is meant for the general folks, though expert cricket fanswill likely pick up a fews terms and their history as well.Not only do you learn about the wonderful world of cricket, butyou also earn rewards ! You can earn REAL points (mPoints) that canbe redeemed for REAL rewards on retailers like Amazon, Best Buyetc. (US only)Now, for some heavy duty legal disclaimers (Sorry, lawyers makeus write this) This App is only intended as a casual entertainmentapp. If you do decide to use it, it is at your own risk. Thedeveloper makes no warranties about the functionality in this gameor any accuracy in the information provided. Any liabilities,whether direct or implied are expressly rejected and by downloadingthe application, you release the developer and any associatedentities from ALL liabilities. If you do not agree, please do notdownload the app.Whew, that was some heavy duty lingo right there ! We have youenjoy the Learning n Earning
Real Esate Plus: Earn n Learn 4.0
Ainvayi Software
This is a premium version of Real Estate: Earnn Learn with an opportunity to earn even more rewards ! You canearn not only mPoints but Perk points as well !This is a fantastic app to learn about real estate terms andterminology while earning points that can be redeemed for realrewards at many retailers like Amazon etc via the mPoints system!Now, some heavy duty legal stuff (sorry, our lawyers make uswrite this !) - This App is just intended for casual entertainment.If you do decide to use it, it is at your own risk. The developermakes no warranties about the functionality in this game. ThePoints functionality is being provided from another vendor and thedeveloper makes no warranties on whether the points can becollected or redeemed for any actual rewards. ANY liabilities,whether direct or implied are expressly rejected and by downloadingthe application, you release the developer and any associatedentities from ALL liabilities. If you do not agree, please do notdownload the game.Phew ! with that out of the way, enjoy the game and please keepthe feedback comin' !
Accounting Vocab 4.0
Ainvayi Software
Do you feel lost in the myriad of accountingand financial terms ? What does Earnings Per Share (EPS) reallymean ? What is a S Corporation ? What is a 401(k) ? What is anOperating Agreement ? What are Governing documents ? In this app,we have tried to demystify the world of accounting by giving clearconcise definitions of each term in ordinary language. This app ismeant for the general folks, though accountants might find thisuseful as well to learn a new term or two.Now, for some heavy duty legal disclaimers (Sorry, lawyers makeus write this) This App is only intended as a casual entertainmentapp. If you do decide to use it, it is at your own risk. Thedeveloper makes no warranties about the functionality in this gameor any accuracy in the information provided and the app is provided"as is". Any liabilities, whether direct or implied are expresslyrejected and by downloading the application, you release thedeveloper and any associated entities from ALL liabilities. If youdo not agree, please do not download the game.Whew, that was some heavy duty lingo right there ! We have youenjoy the app.
The StartUp Scene 1.4
Ainvayi Software
Trying to get a handle on all the exciting andinnovative companies that offer interesting services ? Are youlooking for some inspiration by following visionaries thatrelentlessly follow their dreams. Discover your inner entrepreneurby following startups - small and big. Who knows, you might justget the next Big Idea !Welcome to the World of StartUps ! This app collects startuprelated news tidbits from across the wild world wide web andpresents it to you in one neat package. It also gets tips andtricks for startups - just to prod your inner entrepreneur. Thisapp is "live" - meaning it scours the internet in real time fornews when you use the app (so, please make sure you are connectedto the internet !).What's more ... not only do you read various articles and getinteresting conversations points for your next social gathering,you also collect rewards (mPoints) for using the app that can beused to redeeem gift certificates for retailers like Amazon,Walmart, Best Buy etc etc.Now, some heavy duty legal stuff (sorry, our lawyers make uswrite this !) - This App is just intended for casual entertainment.If you do decide to use it, it is at your own risk. The developermakes no warranties about the functionality in this game. ThePoints functionality is being provided from another vendor and thedeveloper makes no warranties on whether the points can becollected or redeemed for any actual rewards. ANY liabilities,whether direct or implied are expressly rejected and by downloadingthe application, you release the developer and any associatedentities from ALL liabilities. If you do not agree, please do notdownload the game.Phew ! with that out of the way, enjoy the app and please keepthe feedback comin' !
The Odd News Tablet 2.0
Ainvayi Software
Tired of the depressing supposedly importantnews ? The same thing over and over again ? Tragedies repeatedendlessly day in and day out ? Guess what ? The world is a lot moreinteresting than what is presented in the regular news broadcasts.There is tons of stuff happening that doesn't get coverage ...stuff that is sometimes hilarious, sometimes outrageous andsometimes just confounding !Welcome to the World of Odd News ! This app collects various oddand interesting news tidbits from across the wild world wide weband presents it to you for your enjoyment. This app is "live" -meaning it scours the internet in real time for news when you usethe app (so, please make sure you are connected to the internet!).What's more ... not only do you read various articles and getinteresting conversations points for your next social gathering,you also collect rewards (mPoints) for using the app that can beused to redeeem gift certificates for retailers like Amazon,Walmart, Best Buy etc etc.Now, some heavy duty legal stuff (sorry, our lawyers make uswrite this !) - This App is just intended for casual entertainment.If you do decide to use it, it is at your own risk. The developermakes no warranties about the functionality in this game. ThePoints functionality is being provided from another vendor and thedeveloper makes no warranties on whether the points can becollected or redeemed for any actual rewards. ANY liabilities,whether direct or implied are expressly rejected and by downloadingthe application, you release the developer and any associatedentities from ALL liabilities. If you do not agree, please do notdownload the game.Phew ! with that out of the way, enjoy the app and please keepthe feedback comin' !
TV Scramble 1.5
Ainvayi Software
This is a super fun, highly addictiveentertaining TV Show word game. The objective of this game is tosolve a puzzle in which the letters of a TV Show have beenrearranged. You have to rearrange the letters in the right orderand discover the TV show. There are hints available to help youguess. If you guess the TV show correctly, you win ! Btw, you getmPoints, not just for winning, but also for playing. These mPointscan be used for REAL rewards at retailers like Amazon, Walmart,Best Buy etc.Now, some heavy duty legal stuff (sorry, our lawyers make uswrite this !) - This App is just intended for casual entertainment.If you do decide to use it, it is at your own risk. The developermakes no warranties about the functionality in this game. ThePoints functionality is being provided from another vendor and thedeveloper makes no warranties on whether the points can becollected or redeemed for any actual rewards. ANY liabilities,whether direct or implied are expressly rejected and by downloadingthe application, you release the developer and any associatedentities from ALL liabilities. If you do not agree, please do notdownload the game.Phew ! with that out of the way, enjoy the game and please keepthe feedback comin' !
Know Your States 1.0
Ainvayi Software
This is a fun and challenging app to learnabout US states. This app literally SPEAKS to you and LISTENS toyou. The Quizmaster throws out questions regarding the nickname ofthe state and you have to answer them. You can type in your answeror you can just press the mic button and speak your answer. You getpoints for each correct answer. You can also ask for clues, butthat costs you points you can earn.Also, you get REAL points (mPoints) that can be redeemed atretailers like Amazon, Walmart etc.Now, some heavy duty legal stuff (sorry, our lawyers make uswrite this !) - This App is just intended for casual entertainment.If you do decide to use it, it is at your own risk. The developermakes no warranties about the functionality in this game. ThePoints functionality is being provided from another vendor and thedeveloper makes no warranties on whether the points can becollected or redeemed for any actual rewards. ANY liabilities,whether direct or implied are expressly rejected and by downloadingthe application, you release the developer and any associatedentities from ALL liabilities. If you do not agree, please do notdownload the game.Phew ! with that out of the way, enjoy the app and please keepthe feedback comin' !
Classic Books And Authors Quiz 2.0
Ainvayi Software
So, you consider yourself Well Read ! You paidutmost attention in your literature class and can quote thepassages from literary classics like your favorite song. You knowyour Shakespeare from your Dickens. But here is where the plotthickens (see what we did there ? ;-) ) ! How well can you score inthis classic books and authors quiz ?In this app, classic books from famous authors are shown and youhave to answer who wrote the book. You can ask for clues that willeliminate answers for you. Test your literary mettle with thisquiz. You can also ask your friends to play and see who is the mostliterally educated (or challenged !) in your group !And what's more, you get REAL rewards for playing and winning inthis quiz. You win mPoints that can be redeemed for giftcertificates from major retailers like Amazon, Walmart etc.This App is just intended for casual entertainment. If you dodecide to use it, it is at your own risk. The developer makes nowarranties about the functionality or accuracy in this app and theapp is provided "as is". The Points functionality is being providedfrom another vendor and the developer makes no warranties onwhether the points can be collected or redeemed for any actualrewards. ANY liabilities, whether direct or implied are expresslyrejected and by downloading the application, you release thedeveloper and any associated entities from ALL liabilities. If youdo not agree, please do not download the game.Phew ! with that out of the way, enjoy the game and please keepthe feedback comin' !
Organic Scramble 2.1
Ainvayi Software
So, you think of yourself as quite the healthyfoodie. You go to supermarkets and make sure you always have thehealthiest assortment of fruits and veggies ... organic at that !You hope that eating right is gonna boost your IQ levels to thestratosphere. Well, you better be right because you are gonna needall your skills to score in this app.This is a super fun, highly addictive word scramble app. Theobjective of this app is to solve a puzzle in which the letters ofan organic edible substance have been rearranged. You have torearrange the letters in the right order and discover the organicfood. It can be a fruit or a veggie or a nut or a cereal orsomething else ! If you guess the delicious edible you win ! Youcan also play with your buddies to see who is the most organic[;-)] of all !Btw, you get points for winning and playing. These mPoints canbe used for REAL rewards at retailers like Amazon, Walmart, BestBuy etc.Now, some heavy duty legal stuff (sorry, our lawyers make uswrite this !) - This App is just intended for casual entertainment.If you do decide to use it, it is at your own risk. The developermakes no warranties about the functionality in this game. ThePoints functionality is being provided from another vendor and thedeveloper makes no warranties on whether the points can becollected or redeemed for any actual rewards. ANY liabilities,whether direct or implied are expressly rejected and by downloadingthe application, you release the developer and any associatedentities from ALL liabilities. If you do not agree, please do notdownload the game.Phew ! with that out of the way, enjoy the app and please keepthe feedback comin' !
Find The Animals: Word Search 10.0
Ainvayi Software
This is a neat word search game in which youneed to find hidden animals in a grid. It has a huge collection ofanimals - ranging from the tame domestic to the wild wild ones.Various animals are arranged randomly and are "hidden" in a gridgoing in many directions, and your objective is find those animals.When you find an animal successfully, the app highlights it for youand you move on the next. It also keeps track of your score interms how many animals you were able to discover in a puzzle.And what's more ... you earn REAL points (mPoints) that can beused for REAL rewards on retailers like Amazon etc.
Football Vocab 5.0
Ainvayi Software
Do you feel lost in the myriad of footballterms when your buddies or significant other discusses the sport ?What does a Punt really mean ? What is a drop kick ? What is aLateral Pass ? In this app, we have tried to demystify the world ofAmerican Football by giving clear concise definitions of each termin ordinary language. This app is meant for the general folks,though expert football fans might pick up a new term or two.Now, for some heavy duty legal disclaimers (Sorry, lawyers makeus write this) This App is only intended as a casual entertainmentapp. If you do decide to use it, it is at your own risk. Thedeveloper makes no warranties about the functionality in this gameor any accuracy in the information provided. Any liabilities,whether direct or implied are expressly rejected and by downloadingthe application, you release the developer and any associatedentities from ALL liabilities. If you do not agree, please do notdownload the game.Whew, that was some heavy duty lingo right there ! We hope youenjoy this app !
Recognize The US President 2.1.1
Ainvayi Software
This is a fun and challenging app to learnabout the presidents of the US in a Quiz format. The Quizmastershows you the image of the president and you have to choose thecorrect answer from the choices presented. You get points for eachcorrect answer. You can also ask for clues, but that costs youpoints you can earn. Compete with your friends and see who scoresthe most !Also, you get REAL points (mPoints) that can be redeemed atretailers like Amazon, Walmart etc.Now, some heavy duty legal stuff (sorry, our lawyers make uswrite this !) - This App is just intended for casual entertainment.If you do decide to use it, it is at your own risk. The developermakes no warranties about the functionality in this game. ThePoints functionality is being provided from another vendor and thedeveloper makes no warranties on whether the points can becollected or redeemed for any actual rewards. ANY liabilities,whether direct or implied are expressly rejected and by downloadingthe application, you release the developer and any associatedentities from ALL liabilities. If you do not agree, please do notdownload the game.Phew ! with that out of the way, enjoy the app and please keepthe feedback comin' !
ComputerSecurity+ Earn n Learn 4.0
Ainvayi Software
This is a premium version of ComputerSecurity: Earn n Learn with an opportunity to earn even morerewards ! You can earn not only mPoints but Perk points as well !Do you feel lost when your friends out-geek you in computersecurity lingo ? Or are you just planning to get familiar with thisvast subject. This app is a great way to learn the common terms inthe domain of computer security. The concepts in this app rangefrom the beginner to the advanced - so, no matter how you much youknow about computer security, chances are that you will likelylearn about something you didn't know before !and what's more - you get REAL points (mPoints) that can we usedfor REAL rewards on retailers like Amazon, Walmart etc.Now, for some heavy duty legal disclaimers (Sorry, lawyers makeus write this) This App is only intended as a casual entertainmentapp. If you do decide to use it, it is at your own risk. Thedeveloper makes no warranties about the functionality in this gameor any accuracy in the information provided. Any liabilities,whether direct or implied are expressly rejected and by downloadingthe application, you release the developer and any associatedentities from ALL liabilities. If you do not agree, please do notdownload the game.Whew, that was some heavy duty lingo right there ! We hope youenjoy this app !
Celebrity Scramble 1.7
Ainvayi Software
This is a super fun, highly addictive wordgame. The objective of this game is to solve a puzzle in which thewords of a celebrity have been rearranged. You have to rearrangethe letters in the right order and discover the celebrity. The lastname of the celebrity can be used as a hint, if necessary. If youhave guess the celebrity correctly, you win ! These mPoints can beused for REAL rewards at retailers like Amazon, Walmart, Best Buyetc.Now, some heavy duty legal stuff (sorry, our lawyers make uswrite this !) - This App is just intended for casual entertainment.If you do decide to use it, it is at your own risk. The developermakes no warranties about the functionality in this game. ThePoints functionality is being provided from another vendor and thedeveloper makes no warranties on whether the points can becollected or redeemed for any actual rewards. ANY liabilities,whether direct or implied are expressly rejected and by downloadingthe application, you release the developer and any associatedentities from ALL liabilities. If you do not agree, please do notdownload the game.Phew ! with that out of the way, enjoy the game and please keepthe feedback comin' !
Real Esate: Earn n Learn 7.5
Ainvayi Software
This is a fantastic app to learn about realestate terms and terminology while earning points that can beredeemed for real rewards at many retailers like Amazon etc via themPoints system !Now, some heavy duty legal stuff (sorry, our lawyers make uswrite this !) - This App is just intended for casual entertainment.If you do decide to use it, it is at your own risk. The developermakes no warranties about the functionality in this game. ThePoints functionality is being provided from another vendor and thedeveloper makes no warranties on whether the points can becollected or redeemed for any actual rewards. ANY liabilities,whether direct or implied are expressly rejected and by downloadingthe application, you release the developer and any associatedentities from ALL liabilities. If you do not agree, please do notdownload the game.Phew ! with that out of the way, enjoy the game and please keepthe feedback comin' !
Guess The Animal 3.5
Ainvayi Software
This is a fun words based app in which theplayer tries to guess an animal with only partial information andearns REAL POINTS (mPoints) in the process ! The letters of theanimal appear as tiles - some closed and some open. The player canopen some closed tiles but not all the tiles. The player has toguess the animal based on the information available and enter itinto an input area below ... But be nimble ... you have a veryshort time to guess the animal ! The app also tells more detailsabout the animal as clues to guessing. Meanwhile, you earn pointsthat can be redeemed at many retailers like Amazon etc.Now, some heavy duty legal stuff (sorry, our lawyers make uswrite this !) - This App is just intended for casual entertainment.If you do decide to use it, it is at your own risk. The developermakes no warranties about the functionality in this game. ThePoints functionality is being provided from another vendor and thedeveloper makes no warranties on whether the points can becollected or redeemed for any actual rewards. ANY liabilities,whether direct or implied are expressly rejected and by downloadingthe application, you release the developer and any associatedentities from ALL liabilities. If you do not agree, please do notdownload the game.Phew ! with that out of the way, enjoy the game and please keepthe feedback comin' !
The Classic Books Scramble 3.1
Ainvayi Software
This is a super fun, highly addictiveeducational word game. The objective of this game is to solve apuzzle in which the letters of a book have been rearranged. Thebooks are literary classics and range from Hamlet to SherlockHolmes and everything in between ... ( and outside it as well ;-)). You have to rearrange the letters in the right order anddiscover the book. The author of the book is given as a hint. Ifyou guess the book correctly, you win ! You can also play with yourbuddies to see who is the brightest of all !Btw, you get points for winning and playing. These mPoints canbe used for REAL rewards at retailers like Amazon, Walmart, BestBuy etc.Now, some heavy duty legal stuff (sorry, our lawyers make uswrite this !) - This App is just intended for casual entertainment.If you do decide to use it, it is at your own risk. The developermakes no warranties about the functionality in this game. ThePoints functionality is being provided from another vendor and thedeveloper makes no warranties on whether the points can becollected or redeemed for any actual rewards. ANY liabilities,whether direct or implied are expressly rejected and by downloadingthe application, you release the developer and any associatedentities from ALL liabilities. If you do not agree, please do notdownload the game.Phew ! with that out of the way, enjoy the game and please keepthe feedback comin' !
Soccer Plus: Earn n Learn 4.0
Ainvayi Software
This is a premium version of Soccer: Earn nLearn with an opportunity to earn even more rewards ! You can earnnot only mPoints but Perk points as well !Do you feel lost in the myriad of Soccer terms ?So, you knowabout penalty kick and a corner kick, but do you know what a dropkick means ? How about an instep drive ? Or a Chip shot for thatmatter ? In this app, we have tried to demystify the world ofSoccer by giving clear concise definitions of each term in ordinarylanguage. This app is meant for the general folks, though expertsoccer fans might pick up a new term or two. .Not only do you learn about the wonderful world of soccer, butyou also earn rewards ! You can earn REAL points (mPoints) that canbe redeemed for REAL rewards on retailers like Amazon, Best Buyetc.Now, for some heavy duty legal disclaimers (Sorry, lawyers makeus write this) This App is only intended as a casual entertainmentapp. If you do decide to use it, it is at your own risk. Thedeveloper makes no warranties about the functionality in this gameor any accuracy in the information provided. Any liabilities,whether direct or implied are expressly rejected and by downloadingthe application, you release the developer and any associatedentities from ALL liabilities. If you do not agree, please do notdownload the game.Whew, that was some heavy duty lingo right there ! We have youenjoy the Learning n Earning
Tennis: Earn n Learn 7.5
Ainvayi Software
Do you feel lost in the myriad of Tennis terms? So, you know about deuces and aces, but do you know what aBreadstick means ? How about a Chip Shot ? Or a Chop shot for thatmatter ? Know about a Shank ? In this app, we have tried todemystify the world of Tennis by giving clear concise definitionsof each term in ordinary language. This app is meant for thegeneral folks, though expert tennis fans might pick up a new termor two. .Not only do you learn about the wonderful world of Tennis, butyou also earn rewards ! You can earn REAL points (mPoints) that canbe redeemed for REAL rewards on retailers like Amazon, Best Buyetc.Now, for some heavy duty legal disclaimers (Sorry, lawyers makeus write this) This App is only intended as a casual entertainmentapp. If you do decide to use it, it is at your own risk. Thedeveloper makes no warranties about the functionality in this gameor any accuracy in the information provided. Any liabilities,whether direct or implied are expressly rejected and by downloadingthe application, you release the developer and any associatedentities from ALL liabilities. If you do not agree, please do notdownload the game.Whew, that was some heavy duty lingo right there ! We have youenjoy the Learning n Earning
World Of Tennis 1.0
Ainvayi Software
Do you love tennis but find it difficult tofollow the sport because of your busy schedule ? You constantlymiss out of the latest antics by Federer or Nadal or your favoriteplayer ? This is the perfect app to help you follow Tennis like theardent fan you are !Welcome to the World of Tennis ! This app collects the latesttennis scores, news about tournaments, game analysis and more fromacross the wild world wide web and presents it to you for yourenjoyment. This app is "live" - meaning it scours the internet inreal time for news when you use the app (so, please make sure youare connected to the internet !).What's more ... not only do you read various articles and getinteresting conversations points for your next social gathering,you also collect rewards (mPoints) for using the app that can beused to redeeem gift certificates for retailers like Amazon,Walmart, Best Buy etc etc.Now, some heavy duty legal stuff (sorry, our lawyers make uswrite this !) - This App is just intended for casual entertainment.If you do decide to use it, it is at your own risk. The app isprovided "as-is". The developer makes no warranties about thefunctionality in this game. The Points functionality is beingprovided from another vendor and the developer makes no warrantieson whether the points can be collected or redeemed for any actualrewards. ANY liabilities, whether direct or implied are expresslyrejected and by downloading the application, you release thedeveloper and any associated entities from ALL liabilities. If youdo not agree, please do not download the game.Phew ! with that out of the way, enjoy the app and please keepthe feedback comin' !
Find The Sports Word 5.0
Ainvayi Software
So, you think you know your sports ? FromFootball to Basketball and everything in between ? This is a neatword search game in which you need to find hidden sports relatedterms in a grid. It has a huge collection of terms from varioussports. Various terms are arranged randomly and are "hidden" in agrid going in many directions, and your objective is find thoseterms. When you find a term successfully, the app highlights it foryou and you move on the next. It also keeps track of your score interms how many terms you were able to discover in a puzzle.And what's more ... you earn REAL points (mPoints) that can beused for REAL rewards on retailers like Amazon etc.
Vocab Builder: Earn n Learn 7.5
Ainvayi Software
This is a fantastic app to learn new words andimprove your vocabulary while earning REAL points (mPoints) thatcan be redeemed for REAL rewards at many retailers like Amazon etcvia the mPoints system ! This is an invaluable app, especially ifyou are preparing for entrance tests like SAT , GRE , GMAT etc.Now, some heavy duty legal stuff (sorry, our lawyers make us writethis !) - This App is just intended for casual entertainment. Ifyou do decide to use it, it is at your own risk. The developermakes no warranties about the functionality in this game. ThePoints functionality is being provided from another vendor and thedeveloper makes no warranties on whether the points can becollected or redeemed for any actual rewards. ANY liabilities,whether direct or implied are expressly rejected and by downloadingthe application, you release the developer and any associatedentities from ALL liabilities. If you do not agree, please do notdownload the game.Phew ! with that out of the way, enjoy the app and please keepthe feedback comin' !
Find the Country: Word Search 7.0
Ainvayi Software
This is a neat word search game in which youneed to find hidden countries in a grid. It has all the known"official" countries in the list, as of date. Various countries arearranged randomly and are "hidden" in a grid going in manydirections, and your objective is find those countries. When youguess a country successfully, the app tells you the capital of thecountry as well and you move on the next. It also keeps track ofyour score in terms how many countries you were able to discover ina puzzle.And what's more ... you earn REAL points (mPoints) that can beused for REAL rewards on retailers like Amazon etc.
Countries and Capitals 1.2
Ainvayi Software
This is a fun and challenging app to learnabout various Countries and their Capitals. This app literallySPEAKS to you and LISTENS to you. The Quizmaster throws outquestions regarding the country capitals and you have to answerthem. You can type in your answer or you can just press the micbutton and speak your answer. You get points for each correctanswer. You can also ask for clues, but that costs you points youcan earn.Also, you get REAL points (mPoints) that can be redeemed atretailers like Amazon, Walmart etc.Now, some heavy duty legal stuff (sorry, our lawyers make uswrite this !) - This App is just intended for casual entertainment.If you do decide to use it, it is at your own risk. The developermakes no warranties about the functionality in this game. ThePoints functionality is being provided from another vendor and thedeveloper makes no warranties on whether the points can becollected or redeemed for any actual rewards. ANY liabilities,whether direct or implied are expressly rejected and by downloadingthe application, you release the developer and any associatedentities from ALL liabilities. If you do not agree, please do notdownload the game.Phew ! with that out of the way, enjoy the app and please keepthe feedback comin' !
Country Capitals Quiz 2.0
Ainvayi Software
This is a fun and challenging app to learnabout various Countries and their Capitals in a Quiz format. TheQuizmaster poses questions regarding the country capitals and youhave to select the right answer. You get points for each correctanswer. You can also ask for clues, but that costs you points youcan earn. Compete with your friends and see who scores the most !Also, you get REAL points (mPoints) that can be redeemed atretailers like Amazon, Walmart etc.Now, some heavy duty legal stuff (sorry, our lawyers make uswrite this !) - This App is just intended for casual entertainment.If you do decide to use it, it is at your own risk. The developermakes no warranties about the functionality in this game. ThePoints functionality is being provided from another vendor and thedeveloper makes no warranties on whether the points can becollected or redeemed for any actual rewards. ANY liabilities,whether direct or implied are expressly rejected and by downloadingthe application, you release the developer and any associatedentities from ALL liabilities. If you do not agree, please do notdownload the game.Phew ! with that out of the way, enjoy the app and please keepthe feedback comin' !
Flag The Country 2.1.1
Ainvayi Software
This is a fun and challenging app to learnabout the flags of all the countries around the world, in a Quizformat. The Quizmaster shows you the image of flag and you have tochoose the correct answer from the choices presented. You getpoints for each correct answer. You can also ask for clues, butthat costs you points you can earn. Compete with your friends andsee who scores the most !Also, you get REAL points (mPoints) that can be redeemed atretailers like Amazon, Walmart etc.Now, some heavy duty legal stuff (sorry, our lawyers make uswrite this !) - This App is just intended for casual entertainment.If you do decide to use it, it is at your own risk. The developermakes no warranties about the functionality in this game. ThePoints functionality is being provided from another vendor and thedeveloper makes no warranties on whether the points can becollected or redeemed for any actual rewards. ANY liabilities,whether direct or implied are expressly rejected and by downloadingthe application, you release the developer and any associatedentities from ALL liabilities. If you do not agree, please do notdownload the game.Phew ! with that out of the way, enjoy the app and please keepthe feedback comin' !
Guess The Country 1.0
Ainvayi Software
This is a fun words based app in which theplayer tries to guess the country with only partial information andearns REAL POINTS (mPoints) in the process ! The letters of thename of the country appear as tiles - some closed and some open.The player can open some closed tiles but not all the tiles. Theplayer has to guess the country based on the information availableand enter it into an input area below ... But be nimble ... youonly have 1 minute to guess, though you can configure it ! The appalso tells more details about the country as clues to guessing.Meanwhile, you earn points that can be redeemed at many retailerslike Amazon etc.Now, some heavy duty legal stuff (sorry, our lawyers make uswrite this !) - This App is just intended for casual entertainment.If you do decide to use it, it is at your own risk. The developermakes no warranties about the functionality in this game. ThePoints functionality is being provided from another vendor and thedeveloper makes no warranties on whether the points can becollected or redeemed for any actual rewards. ANY liabilities,whether direct or implied are expressly rejected and by downloadingthe application, you release the developer and any associatedentities from ALL liabilities. If you do not agree, please do notdownload the game.Phew ! with that out of the way, enjoy the game and please keepthe feedback comin' !
A Beautiful You ! 2.2
Ainvayi Software
You are beautiful ... always have been ..atleast in your mom's eyes. ;-) With this app, you have thepotential to transform into a head turner and become the star ofthe party ! Whether you are a veteran or just a novice, this appcan help you look and feel your best.Welcome to the World of Beauty. This app collects the latestbeauty trends and secrets from across the world wide web - Whetherit is the latest looks being donned by the celebs or royalty orwhether it is basic tips on how to give yourself a manicure or howto do makeup right, you will likely pick up a trick or two abouthow to make yourself look even more gorgeous. This app is "live" -meaning it scours the internet in real time for news when you usethe app (so, please make sure you are connected to the internet!).What's more ... not only do you look and feel beautiful, youalso collect rewards (mPoints) for using the app that can be usedto redeeem gift certificates for retailers like Amazon, Walmart,Best Buy etc etc.Now, some heavy duty legal stuff (sorry, our lawyers make uswrite this !) - This App is just intended for casual entertainment.If you do decide to use it, it is at your own risk. The app isprovided "as-is". The developer makes no warranties about thefunctionality in this game. The Points functionality is beingprovided from another vendor and the developer makes no warrantieson whether the points can be collected or redeemed for any actualrewards. ANY liabilities, whether direct or implied are expresslyrejected and by downloading the application, you release thedeveloper and any associated entities from ALL liabilities. If youdo not agree, please do not download the game.Phew ! with that out of the way, enjoy the app and please keepthe feedback comin' !
Medical Plus : Earn n Learn 4.2
Ainvayi Software
This is a premium version of Medical: Earn nLearn with an opportunity to earn even more rewards ! You can earnnot only mPoints but Perk points as well !Do you just nod helplessly when your doctor explains to you whatyour ailment is or what your treatment options are ? Do you feelhopelessly lost in the myriad of medical terms ? What does Pectoralreally mean ? What is a femoral artery ? What is Necrosis ? In thisapp, we have tried to demystify the world of common medical termsby giving clear concise definitions of each term in ordinarylanguage. This app is meant for the general folks, though premed /medical students might find it useful too.Not only do you learn about the medical terminology and educateyourself, but you also earn rewards ! You can earn REAL points(mPoints) that can be redeemed for REAL rewards on retailers likeAmazon, Best Buy etc.Now, for some heavy duty legal disclaimers (Sorry, lawyers make uswrite this) This App is only intended as a casual entertainmentapp. If you do decide to use it, it is at your own risk. Thedeveloper makes no warranties about the functionality in this gameor any accuracy in the information provided. Please review ourprivacy policy here - Anyliabilities, whether direct or implied are expressly rejected andby downloading the application, you release the developer and anyassociated entities from ALL liabilities. If you do not agree,please do not download the game.Whew, that was some heavy duty lingo right there ! We have youenjoy the Learning n Earning
Find The City 3.0
Ainvayi Software
This is a fun and exciting app in which thename of various cities have been arranged randomly and are "hidden"in a grid going in many directions, and your objective is findthese cities. When you discover a city successfully, the app tellsyou more about the city. You can also choose if you want to playwith US only cities or with cities world wide. It also keeps trackof your score in terms how many cities you were able to discover inthe puzzle.Not only do you have fun while playing this game, but you alsoearn REAL points (mPoints) for REAL rewards. These rewards can beredeemed at retailers like Amazon, Best Buy etc.Hope you have fun with this app ! Keep the feedback comin' !
Find The Good Word 9.1
Ainvayi Software
This is a neat word search game in which youneed to find hidden words in a grid to build up your vocabulary.This app has high quality words of GRE/SAT/GMAT Level. For GREcandidates, this is a great way to memorize GRE level words and theapp helps you recognize those words by encouraging you to findthem. For the rest of us, it is a fantastic way to discover wordsthat we didn't know existed and then bedazzle the world with ournew found knowledge.This is a major upgrade. You can now select the size of the grid inwhich you want to play. You can also select the difficultly level -Easy (Words are from Top->Bottom, Left->Right Diagonal topleft -> bottom right), Medium (easy + Bottom->top andRight->Left) and Hard (All 8 Directions). You can also choosewhether you want the words to overlap or not. You can also selectthe minimum word size, thereby ensuring that you see bigger words,if you so prefer.and what's more ... you earn REAL points (mPoints) that can be usedfor REAL rewards on retailers like Amazon etc.In this game, various words are arranged randomly and are "hidden"in a grid going in many directions, and your objective is findthose words. When you guess a word successfully, the app tells youthe meaning of the word and you move on the next. It also keepstrack of your score in terms how many words you were able todiscover.Please review our privacy policy here -
State Scramble 8.1.1
Ainvayi Software
This is a super fun, highly addictiveeducational word game. The objective of this game is to solve apuzzle in which the letters of a Us state word have beenrearranged. You have to rearrange the letters in the right orderand discover the state. The capital of the state is given as ahint. If you guess the state correctly, you win ! You can also playwith your buddies to see who is the brightest of all !Btw, you get points for winning and playing. These mPoints canbe used for REAL rewards at retailers like Amazon, Walmart, BestBuy etc.Now, some heavy duty legal stuff (sorry, our lawyers make uswrite this !) - This App is just intended for casual entertainment.If you do decide to use it, it is at your own risk. The developermakes no warranties about the functionality in this game. ThePoints functionality is being provided from another vendor and thedeveloper makes no warranties on whether the points can becollected or redeemed for any actual rewards. ANY liabilities,whether direct or implied are expressly rejected and by downloadingthe application, you release the developer and any associatedentities from ALL liabilities. If you do not agree, please do notdownload the game.Phew ! with that out of the way, enjoy the game and please keepthe feedback comin' !
Flag The State 2.1.1
Ainvayi Software
This is a fun and challenging app to learnabout the flags of all the US states in a Quiz format. TheQuizmaster shows you the image of flag and you have to choose thecorrect answer from the choices presented. You get points for eachcorrect answer. You can also ask for clues, but that costs youpoints you can earn. Compete with your friends and see who scoresthe most !Also, you get REAL points (mPoints) that can be redeemed atretailers like Amazon, Walmart etc.Now, some heavy duty legal stuff (sorry, our lawyers make uswrite this !) - This App is just intended for casual entertainment.If you do decide to use it, it is at your own risk. The developermakes no warranties about the functionality in this game. ThePoints functionality is being provided from another vendor and thedeveloper makes no warranties on whether the points can becollected or redeemed for any actual rewards. ANY liabilities,whether direct or implied are expressly rejected and by downloadingthe application, you release the developer and any associatedentities from ALL liabilities. If you do not agree, please do notdownload the game.Phew ! with that out of the way, enjoy the app and please keepthe feedback comin' !
Chemistry Plus: Earn n Learn 4.0
Ainvayi Software
This is a premium version of Chemistry: Earn nLearn with an opportunity to earn even more rewards ! You can earnnot only mPoints but Perk points as well !Do you feel lost in the myriad of chemistry terms ? What is phValue ? What does Resonance really mean ? or Anti-Bonding ? orMolarity ? In this app, we have tried to demystify the world ofBasic Chemistry by giving clear concise definitions of each term inordinary language. This app is meant for the general folks, thoughchemistry experts will likely pick up a fews terms as well.Not only do you learn about the basics of chemistry, but youalso earn rewards ! You can earn REAL points (mPoints) that can beredeemed for REAL rewards on retailers like Amazon, Best Buy etc.(US only)Now, for some heavy duty legal disclaimers (Sorry, lawyers makeus write this) This App is only intended as a casual entertainmentapp. If you do decide to use it, it is at your own risk. Thedeveloper makes no warranties about the functionality in this gameor any accuracy in the information provided. Any liabilities,whether direct or implied are expressly rejected and by downloadingthe application, you release the developer and any associatedentities from ALL liabilities. If you do not agree, please do notdownload the app.Whew, that was some heavy duty lingo right there ! We have youenjoy the Learning n Earning
Basketball Plus : Earn n Learn 4.2
Ainvayi Software
This is a premium version of Basketball: Earnn Learn with an opportunity to earn even more rewards ! You canearn not only mPoints but Perk points as well !Do you feel lost in the myriad of basketball terms ? What does aDouble Down really mean ? What is a jump switch ? What is a Pursuitand Cut off ? In this app, we have tried to demystify the world ofbasketball by giving clear concise definitions of each term inordinary language. This app is meant for general folks, thoughexpert basketball fans might pick up a new term or two. .Not only do you learn about the wonderful world of basketball, butyou also earn rewards ! You can earn REAL points (mPoints) that canbe redeemed for REAL rewards on retailers like Amazon, Best Buyetc.Now, for some heavy duty legal disclaimers (Sorry, lawyers make uswrite this) This App is only intended as a casual entertainmentapp. If you do decide to use it, it is at your own risk. Thedeveloper makes no warranties about the functionality in this gameor any accuracy in the information provided. Please review ourprivacy policy here - . Anyliabilities, whether direct or implied are expressly rejected andby downloading the application, you release the developer and anyassociated entities from ALL liabilities. If you do not agree,please do not download the game.Whew, that was some heavy duty lingo right there ! We have youenjoy the Learning n Earning
Golf Vocab 4.1
Ainvayi Software
Do you feel lost in the myriad of Golf termswhen your buddies or significant other start discussing the sport ?What does a Birdie really mean ? What is a Duck Hook ? What is aDangle ? What is a Flip shot ? How about a Flop shot ? In this app,we have tried to demystify the world of Golf by giving clearconcise definitions of each term in ordinary language. This app ismeant for the general folks, though expert golfers will most likelypick up a new term or two. Use this App to build your Gold Vocab!Now, for some heavy duty legal disclaimers (Sorry, lawyers make uswrite this) This App is only intended as a casual entertainmentapp. If you do decide to use it, it is at your own risk. Thedeveloper makes no warranties about the functionality in this gameor any accuracy in the information provided and the app is provided"as is".Please review our privacy policy here - Anyliabilities, whether direct or implied are expressly rejected andby downloading the application, you release the developer and anyassociated entities from ALL liabilities. If you do not agree,please do not download the game.Whew, that was some heavy duty lingo right there ! We hope youenjoy the Learning !
Phrases: Earn n Learn 3.5
Ainvayi Software
This is a fantastic app to understand Americanphrases, which can sound a bit weird at times, who don't know thelocal lingo. Also, this app is a great way to learn new phrasesthat you can use to impress one and all - whether at work or inyour social circle. Enjoy all this while earning REAL points(mPoints) that can be redeemed for REAL rewards at many retailerslike Amazon etc via the mPoints system !Now, some heavy duty legal stuff (sorry, our lawyers make uswrite this !) - This App is just intended for casual entertainment.If you do decide to use it, it is at your own risk. The developermakes no warranties about the functionality in this game. ThePoints functionality is being provided from another vendor and thedeveloper makes no warranties on whether the points can becollected or redeemed for any actual rewards. ANY liabilities,whether direct or implied are expressly rejected and by downloadingthe application, you release the developer and any associatedentities from ALL liabilities. If you do not agree, please do notdownload the game.Phew ! with that out of the way, enjoy the app and please keepthe feedback comin' !
Phrases Plus: Earn n Learn 4.0
Ainvayi Software
This is a premium version of Phrases: Earn nLearn with an opportunity to earn even more rewards ! You can earnnot only mPoints but Perk points as well !This is a fantastic app to understand American phrases, whichcan sound a bit weird at times, who don't know the local lingo.Also, this app is a great way to learn new phrases that you can useto impress one and all - whether at work or in your social circle.Enjoy all this while earning REAL points (mPoints) that can beredeemed for REAL rewards at many retailers like Amazon etc via themPoints system !Now, some heavy duty legal stuff (sorry, our lawyers make uswrite this !) - This App is just intended for casual entertainment.If you do decide to use it, it is at your own risk. The developermakes no warranties about the functionality in this game. ThePoints functionality is being provided from another vendor and thedeveloper makes no warranties on whether the points can becollected or redeemed for any actual rewards. ANY liabilities,whether direct or implied are expressly rejected and by downloadingthe application, you release the developer and any associatedentities from ALL liabilities. If you do not agree, please do notdownload the game.Phew ! with that out of the way, enjoy the app and please keepthe feedback comin' !